ZOSU Studios LLC
Twitter TikTok YouTube Itch.io Instagram (see social media giveaways)
VR Apps for Metaquest 3, oculusquest2, questpro, quest1, Pico4, Pico3
ZOSU Zoo – on PicoVR (main store)
- Create a zoo home with mixed reality and hand tracking areas
- 140 animals across Zoo Land and 30 levels across ZOSU Ocean
VR on OculusQuest 2/3/Pro
ZOSU Zoo: on OculusQuest 2 / Quest3 / Pro
- July 2024 updates with mixed reality, hand tracking, and ocean exploration
ZOSU Zoo Home Passthrough: on OculusQuest 1/2/3/Pro
Ocean Passthrough: on OculusQuest 1/2/3/Pro
ZOSU Ocean: on OculusQuest 1/2/3/Pro
Zoo + Ocean Handtracking ZOSU Passthrough: on OculusQuest 1/2/3/Pro
VR Gallery ZOSU Smash: on OculusQuest 1/2/3/Pro
Jungle Passthrough: on OculusQuest 1/2/3/Pro
ZOSU Castle Morgue Escape: on OculusQuest 1/2/3/Pro
ZOSULand 20ZZ: on OculusQuest 1/2/3/Pro
Free / Demos on OculusQuest1/2/3/Pro
ZOSU Zoo Home Passthrough Demo: on Oculus Quest 1/2/3/Pro
ZOSU Zoo Demo: on Oculu1/2/3/Pro
ZOSU Ocean Demo: on OculusQuest 1/2/3/Pro
Pastel Gallery: on OculusQuest 1/2/3/Pro
ZOSU Castle Morgue Escape Demo: on OculusQuest 1/2/3/Pro
ZOSULand 20ZZ Demo: on OculusQuest 1/2/3/Pro
Coming Soon – Jungle Passthrough Demo on OculusQuest 1/2/Pro
PCVR Games
ZOSU Ocean: PCVR on OculusRift / OculusRiftS:
ZOSU VR Explosive Bow Hunting: PCVR on SteamVR (Pico, ValveIndex, Oculus)
Testing Only – VR Multiplayer CrossPlay (old game test)
ZOSULand 20ZZ – PCVR on Oculus Touch devices (Rift/Quest-linked)
ZOSU Ocean on SteamVR (valveindex, pico PCVR, oculus PCVR)
VR on Pico 3/4
ZOSU Ocean (demo also on Pico store Picolab, word search to find)
ZOSU Ocean Demo – pico store link
Zoo Home (Zoo Home Demo also on Pico store in PicoLab)
Zoo Home Demo – Pico Store Link
Gallery Smash (also on Pico store in PicoLab)
ZCM Escape on Pico: Sideload/Import (also on Pico store Picolab, wordsearch to find)
ZOSU Zoo on Pico: Sideload/Import (beta version with only zoo land)
WebMobile- 3D Html Games for iphone, android (free no ads)
VR Google Cardboard
Android Apps
Old Test PC HTML Games – 100% Custom Graphics
2017 Html test Game (mobile and PC)
Old 2019 HTML Test Game (not mobile)